Turning flat data into a hierarchy using C#

Turning flat data into a hierarchy using C#

Sometimes you have flat data and what you really want is a hierarchy. This can often happen when data is stored in a relational database that you want to return as JSON in an API. One SQL call will return a flat structure, but as JSON can give a complete hierarchy it makes more sense to convert it.

Let's assume we have the following as our source data:

2 Country: "UK",
3 City: "London",
4 Population: 8800000
5}, {
6 Country: "UK",
7 City: "Edinburgh",
8 Population: 495400
9}, {
10 Country: "France",
11 City: "Paris",
12 Population: 2244000

What we want to create is a structure like this:

2 Country: "UK",
3 Cities: [
4 {
5 City: "London",
6 Population: 8800000
7 }, {
8 City: "Edinburgh",
9 Population: 495400
10 }]
11}, {
12 Country: "France",
13 Cities: [
14 {
15 City: "Paris",
16 Population: 2244000
17 }]

To make the conversion of flat data to a hierarchy using C# we can use a LInq expression.

First I need two models to represent the final structure. One to represent the Country and the other to represent the City. The Country class contains a list of cities.

1public class Country {
2 public string Country { get; set; }
3 public List<City> Cities{ get; set; }
6public class City {
7 public string City { get; set; }
8 public int Population { get; set; }

The following Linq query will then create a list of Countries populating the City list by doing a sub-select on the original dataset.

1// flatData contains our flat data
2var groupedByCountry = flatData.ToList()
3 .GroupBy(x => new { x.Country })
4 .Select(y => new Country() {
5 Country = y.Key.Country,
6 Cities = y.Select(c => new City() {
7 City = c.City,
8 Population = c.Population }).ToList()
9 });