What I learnt at Sugcon 2019

What I learnt at Sugcon 2019

This year Sugcon came to London which given that's where I'm based is awesome for me. In total it was a 3 day conference starting with Sitecore Experience aimed more at marketers than developers. As a developer I only went to the 2 developer days, so for your benefit here's a summary of everything I saw.

Day 1

Day 1 started with a keynote, sadly life got in the way and I missed the first few hours. I'm told it was good though.

After that the day was split into a mix of sessions in the big room for all and smaller break out sessions where you could pick 1 of 4 to attend.

JSS Immersion - Lessons learned and looking ahead with Anastasiya Flynn

To kick things off I went to a talk on JSS, mostly because JSS is a subject I know very little about. This was something that became even more apparent as the talk went on! At the end of it I came away with an appreciation that I need to invest some time in learning a lot more, but my other take away was a few links on things that will help me out if I ever try some React stuff.

PAAS It on: Learning's from a year on Sitecore with Criss Titschinger

Criss works as a dev opps person and over the last year went on the journey of having a Sitecore 8.2 install upgraded to 9 using a fully cloud architecture in Azure.

Overall his experience sounded positive but he did have a few warnings from pain he experienced:

  • Beware of cold start up times with web apps. These can be a real performance hit, especially when Azure decides its going to move your web app instance
  • Web app slots share processing usage so when your warming one up, your live one is taking a hit. If you run on the edge of capacity, this will be an issue
  • Azure search is easy to install but it has a field limitation of 1000 to watch out for
  • Data migration in an upgrade takes a long time the second time. It took 9 days to migrate a years data from mongo! Only do it once.
  • Run your upgrade on clean instances and do the code in visual studio.
  • Web apps need to be on the premium service plan. The others are to weak
  • Use elastic pools for your database to save money. The microservice architecture introduces a LOT of new dbs which are going to cost money in azure resources. Most of the time they also don't do that much so put them in a pool to share resources
  • Moving to 9 is going to increase hosting charges. Be honest with clients about it.

Day 2

On Day 2 I got to attend from the start so it was a much fuller day for me.

10x your Sitecore development with Mark Cassidy

The day started with a talk on questioning how long it should take to build a Sitecore site. It was a question that never really got answered but the main thing Mark really raised was, do we over engineer what we do and would simpler actually be enough? He went on to show a time lapse video of himself implementing a bootstrap template in Sitecore which took 15 hours.

To build this site he didn't install any modules (no glass) and used just the standard Sitecore api. As he pointed out, it was all stuff that could be done by a dev with only the basic Sitecore training, which as there's a short supply of devs in the world, we can potentially make better use of who does what.

Extending and implementing cloud architectures with Rob Habraken

After one talk on cloud the day before I almost gave this one a miss, but I'm glad I didn't.

Rob gave us some of his learning's and things to look out for. As the the previous session the theme of Sitecore 9 becoming far more complex came up and he had some interesting takes on it:

  • Use what you need, disable roles that you don't. I see plenty of Sitecore customers not making use of all the features, and when your in a microservice architecture it does raise the question of why even have this stuff turned on. If you don't use marketing automation then you don't need the role running. It's just costing money to do nothing.
  • Scale down when your not using resource. Unlike a VM web apps can not be turned off so they always cost money. You can delete and recreate, but that's a pain. Instead set up a pipeline to scale them to the lowest resource setting when not being used.
  • He went on to discuss and show how we can use azure functions and logic apps to implement our code rather than building into the main Sitecore project. However you should be careful overdoing it as it can become complex quickly and it's easy to end up with a massive unorganised list of individual azure functions.

Automated personalisation with Chris Nash and Niels Kuhnel

Chris and Niels pointed out the flaw in Sitecores reporting on personalised content. How do we know the rate each converts to a goal at? There's the A/B Test report's but that's not quite the same thing.

They went on to show how they had started measuring the display impressions and click through on personalised content. Then linking the results collected in the reporting db up to a Power BI dashboard.

Sitecore identity: A new Sitecore authentication mechanism with Himadri Chakrabarti

Himadri gave us a look at the new Identity Server framework in Sitecore 9.1:

  • Identity server 4 framework
  • Still uses old asp net membership provider underneath
  • Can work with sub providers like Azure

Measure if you want to go faster with Jeremy Davis

Jeremy was in the situation where a site they were developing would have TV adverts during one of the most watch programs on British TV. Naturally he got scared and went looking for tools to help with performance. He told us about two of them:

  • Sitecore debug tool in experience editor showing the time it takes for components to load.
  • Using Visual Studio debugger to monitor processor usage and memory usage.

Both of these tools are very good at pointing you in the direction of smelly code and the best part is you already have them.

Unfortunately it's the kind of demo that really doesn't convert to text to write here.

We released JSS, you'll never guess what happened next with Adam Weber & Kam Figy

Adam and Kam showed us JSS working with SXA and Sitecore Forms. As mentioned before I don't know much about JSS but after this talk I'm convinced I definitely need to.

Right now it doesn't sound like I would make a site using it, but it could definitely be the future of how we build sites.

The stand out thing is being able to keep your Sitecore install unmodified which would essentially lead us to a real SAAS solution where a Sitecore instance could be spun up from the marketplace and then all other functionality added through server-less functions and a headless front end.

ASP.NET Core Platforms for a Blog

ASP.NET Core Platforms for a Blog

Like a lot of Sitecore developers my blog (at time of writing) is hosted on Wordpress. The reason for it not being in Sitecore is simple. Sitecore is an enterprise level platform, which isn't really needed for a personal blog.

For a .net dev to have there blog on a php platform however just seems plain wrong, but again there's a logical reason. Wordpress is actually really good as a blogging platform, and it doesn't cost me anything.

Despite this I would much rather take control of my site and use it to play with all the cool features in Azure. It would also be nice to have the ability to do something about the Google PageSpeed result which is currently sitting at 24%. So in aid of this I've started looking into .net core based platforms and thought I'd share what I've found.


As the name suggests Miniblog.core is both very small and based on .net core. Developed by Mads Kristensen its an extremely lightweight bare bones implementation, which if your after something you can help build upon is ideal. The code is straightforward to understand and very simple to adapt. Additionally if your after a 100% page speed score, then this achieves just that.

If on the other hand your after a deluxe admin experience full of functionality then this probably isn't for you.

Piranha CMS

Piranha CMS is built as a lightweight CMS platform rather than specifically as a blog, however it also contains a blog module which for me put's it at a big advantage over the other CMS platforms I've listed below.

On the back end you get a choice of SQL Server, SQLite or MySQL. The documentation isn't exactly complete, but on the day I tried it out, I found the team building it very responsive on GitHub. They even updated the documentation with one of my suggestions the very next day.

Another aspect I particularly liked about Piranha CMS was it's block editor, which from the brief look I've had so far reminds me of the block editor Umbraco has. Whereas other platforms in this list were restricted to a large rich text field.

Orchard Core

Orchard Core is the dot net core version of the Orchard CMS. It's currently in beta, but I'm not sure that put's it at much of a disadvantage over the others on this list.

My initial impressions of Orchard Core however weren't as high as Piranha CMS. The admin interface wasn't quite as nice and as far as I could tell, it didn't have anything like Piranha's block editor. The solution itself also seemed far more complex and I wasn't certain what I got for this. I expect Orchard Core is likely better in some ways that I have yet to discover, but for my needs as a blog this is probably not the case. It also didn't have a blog module out of the box.


I have't had much of a chance to play with Squidex yet, but it does offer an interesting difference to the others mentioned so far.

For a start Squidex is an entirely headless cms, and is built around the concept of CQRS and Event Sourcing. Unlike the others it also uses MongoDB rather than a SQL based database.

Where MongoDB is concerned, I often get the impression people are using it because as developers we tend to have a preference to using something new rather than something adequate. However when it comes to Azure pricing, there is potentially a saving to be made by using Mongo rather than Azure SQL.

Redirecting to login page with AngularJs and .net WebAPI

Redirecting to login page with AngularJs and .net WebAPI

So here's the scenario, you have a web application which people log into and some of the pages (like a dashboard) contain ajax functionality. Inevitably the users session expires, they return to the window change a filter and nothing happens. In the background, your JavaScript is making http calls to the server which triggers an unauthorised response. The front end has no way to handle this and some errors appear in the JS console.

A few things are actually combining to make life hard for you here. Lets take a look at each in more detail.

WebAPI and the 301 Response

To protect your API's from public access a good solution is to use the Authorize attribute. i.e.

1public ActionResult GetDashboardData(int foo)
3 // Your api logic here

However chances are your solution also has a login page configured in your web.config so that your regular page controller automatically trigger a 301 response to the login page.

1 <authentication mode="Forms">
2 <forms timeout="30" loginUrl="/account/sign-in/" />
3 </authentication>

So now what happens, is instead or responding with a 401 Unauthorised response, what's actually returned is a 301 to the login page.

With an AJAX request from a browser you now hit a second issue. The browser is making an XMLHttpRequest. However if that request returns a 301, rather than returning it your JavaScript code to handle, it "helpfully" follows the redirect and returns that to your JavaScript. Which means rather than receiving a 301 redirect status back, your code is getting a 200 Ok.

So to summarise your API was set up to return a 401 Unauthorised, that got turned into a 301 Redirect, which was then followed and turned into a 200 Ok before it gets back to where it was requested from.

To fix this the easiest method is to create are own version of the AuthorizedAttribute which returns a 403 Forbidden for Ajax requests and the regular logic for anything else.

1using System;
2using System.Web.Mvc;
4namespace FooApp
6 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
7 public class CustomAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
8 {
9 protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
10 {
11 if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
12 {
13 filterContext.Result = new HttpStatusCodeResult(403, "Forbidden");
14 }
15 else
16 {
17 base.HandleUnauthorizedRequest(filterContext);
18 }
19 }
20 }

Now for any Ajax requests a 403 is returned, for everything else the 301 to the login page is returned.

Redirect 403 Responses in AngularJs to the login page

As our Ajax request is being informed about the unauthorised response, it's up to our JavaScript code trigger the redirect in the browser to the login page. What would be really helpful would be to define the redirect logic in one place, rather than adding this logic to every api call in our code.

To do this we can use add an interceptor onto the http provider in angular js. The interceptor will inspect the response error coming back from the XmlHttpRequest and if it has a status of 401, use a window.locator to redirect the user to the login page.

1app.factory('httpForbiddenInterceptor', ['$q', 'loginUrl', function ($q, loginUrl) {
2 return {
3 'responseError': function (rejection) {
4 if (rejection.status == 403) {
5 window.location = loginUrl;
6 }
7 return $q.reject(rejection);
8 }
9 };
12app.config(['$httpProvider', function ($httpProvider) {
13 $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
14 $httpProvider.interceptors.push('httpForbiddenInterceptor');

You'll notice a line updating the headers. This is to make the IsAjaxRequest() method on the api recognise the request as being Ajax.

Finally you'll also notice the loginUrl being passed into the interceptor. As it's not a great idea to have strings like urls littered around your code, this is using a value recipe to store the url. The code to do this is follows:

1app.value('loginUrl', '/account/sign-in?returnurl=/dashboard/');
Running Gulp tasks in Visual Studio

Running Gulp tasks in Visual Studio

Over the last decade, front end development has matured from a point where CSS and JavaScript were written in badly organised files containing the exact code a browser would interpret, to something that now more resembles back end development.

Pure CSS has become the byte code of the front end world with LESS and Sass becoming the languages of choice. Instead of MSBuild for running a compilation Gulp can be used to automate workflows to compile Sass files, minify them and do whatever else is needed to produce the code for deployment (not really an exact comparison, but you get the point).

To truly achieve a matured development setup though, the final step is to remove those "compiled" css and js files from source control. After all you wouldn't check in a dll with the source code for each build. If your using a build server then this is a relatively easy step to add to your workflow. However the bigger issue is not making life hard for your back end developers.

Without the final CSS and JS files in source control your back end devs may now be faced with a site lacking all style and front end functionality when they hit F5. With LESS and Sass also not really being there thing, they're now left not really knowing what to do, and also not overly happy about having to learn something about front end do continue with there back end work. To make matters worse, Visual Studio often isn't the front end dev's choice of tool so copying the front enders setup isn't an ideal solution either.

The Aim

The ideal solution would be for a back end dev to be able to check out a solution from source control (containing no compiled CSS of JS files), hit F5 in Visual Studio, the final CSS and JS be created as part of the build and the site to run. No opening a command prompt to run a gulp task, or any other process the front end devs may be using. It should be completely invisible to them.

Visual Studio Task Runner

With Visual Studios Task Runner, this is entirely possible.

The Task Runner is built into Visual Studio, so there's no need for the back end dev to install any extra tools, and more importantly, tasks can be linked into a before build event so that the back end dev doesn't need to do anything.

A bit of background on gulp and the task runner

When front end developers set up gulp, they will configure a set of gulp tasks within a file named gulpfile.js (in reality they may actually separate the tasks into multiple files referenced by gulpfile.js, but this file is the important bit). These tasks may look a bit like this:

1gulp.task("min:js", () => {
2 return gulp.src([paths.js, "!" + paths.minJs], { base: "." })
3 .pipe(concat(paths.concatJsDest))
4 .pipe(uglify())
5 .pipe(gulp.dest("."));
8gulp.task("min:css", () => {
9 return gulp.src([paths.css, "!" + paths.minCss])
10 .pipe(concat(paths.concatCssDest))
11 .pipe(cssmin())
12 .pipe(gulp.dest("."));
15gulp.task("min", gulp.series(["min:js", "min:css"]));

In this example there are 3 tasks. The first minifies some JS while the second minifies some CSS. The third is defining a series which runs the first 2.

Visual Studios task runner will look file the file called gulpfile.js and pull out all the tasks within it. The task runner window may not be open by default, so to open it type task runner in the search box and select it from the results. Alternatively you can right click the gulpfile in the solution and select Task Runner from the context menu.

The task runner window will open at the bottom of the screen, and will list out all the gulp tasks found within the gulpfile.js file. If the front end devs have organised the tasks into separate files, as long as the gulpfile.js file in the root of the project has some way of referencing them, they will still show up.

If you don't see any of the tasks, and have only just added the file or a task to the file. You may need to click the refresh button.

To run a task, simply right click it and then choose Run.

Automating on build

Being able to run a gulp task is handy, but what we're really after is for it to be automated as part of the build.

For this we just need to right click the task to be run, and then from the bindings option, select before build.

This will add a comment to the top of the gulpfile.js which Visual Studio will look for to know what task should be run before a build.

1/// <binding BeforeBuild='min' />

With this set, the back end devs no longer need to be concerned with not having any compiled css and js, and with a small amount of knowledge also have the ability to make minor changes to css and js where needed.

Some others tips

Depending on your front end devs setup there could be some additional challenges to overcome.

Front end devs not using Visual Studio

Quite often Visual Studio isn't the choice of dev environment for a front end dev. One issue this can lead to is files missing from the Visual Studio solution. However an easy fix for this is to use wild cards in the csproj file.

If the front end devs code can be grouped into specific folders then use a wild card to include all the files from that folder in the project.

1<None Include="build\js\**\*.js" />

CSS/JS not in the web project

If the front end devs have a separate folder for there work. e.g. they might work with static html files. Then the code may not be in the project what will be run, and therefore nothing will trigger the gulp file to have it's task run.

A simple solution for this is to create a visual studio project for the folder with there work so that it has a build event to be attached to. Make sure your web project also references this project to trigger it to be built when the web project is.


For more info on using Gulp with Visual Studio. Check out Microsofts guide on using Gulp with ASP.NET Core.